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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

which motor suits the best for this vehicle?

Motor is the most important part of an electric vehicle as motor is the sole machine which is running the vehicle. Motor being a major device converting electrical energy into mechanical energy to bring the vehicle into motion, we need to consider important parameters in selecting the motor those are horsepower, efficiency, life, starting torque, speed, cost, size, weight and its characteristics under operating conditions. In this report, the selection of motor is done considering the reduction of overall wieght and cost of the vehicle. A brushless direct current motor is best suited for this type of vehicle. BLDC motor is a synchronous motorpower by a dc source through a switching power supply. The rotor of this motor is a permanent magnet synchronous motor. Although there are many technical details for the selection of BLDC motor to run the vehicle, a brief note of avantages are as follows while the others can be viewed through the reference. BLDC motor commutation is done based on rotor position information, high efficiency as voltage drop on electronic device is smaller than that on brushes, no maintenance as the brushes are absent, lower acoustic noises due to absence of arcs from the brushes to generate noise, greater dynamic response due to lower rotor inertia because of permanent magnets, smaller and lighter in weight , better speed vs torque characteristics as there is no brush friction to reduce useful torque, higher speed range as no mechanical limitation is offered by brushes or commutatotrs, better thermal performance as only the armature windings generate heat, which is the stator and is connected to the external part of BLDC motor and longer life. Due to the above mentioned advantages the BLDC motor is recommended in this report. The mechanical force required to move the vehicle and the force required to move the wheel can be revied from the reference. Force required to move the wheel is generated from reference. Input electrical power is equal to sum of the output mechanical power and power losses due to copper winding in armature. Field copper losses are neglected.

As for the complete details about BLDC motors, you can take time and google it. There are lots of websites giving you information about them.

For calculation of motor properties please wait till the next post.

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